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Is Your Dog Stressed?

November 1 2018
Does your canine pal seem anxious or worried sometimes? Dogs are very emotional animals. Just like people, Fido can feel sad, angry, happy, or nervous. He can also suffer from stress. In this article, an Oshawa, ON vet discusses doggy anxiety.

Signs of Stress

Fido can express his stress in a variety of ways. He may bark, pant, tremble, drool, or lunge forward. He may also refuse to move, especially if whatever is upsetting him is nearby. Ongoing stress can manifest in other ways. Stress can also take a toll on your pet’s tummy, so your pooch may vomit, have diarrhea, or become constipated. He may also lose his appetite and/or spend a lot of time sleeping. Other signs include withdrawal and aggression, improper defecation, digging, pacing, restlessness, and inappropriate chewing. Of course, many of these symptoms can also be caused by medical issues, so consult your vet if you notice your pooch displaying any of them.

Causes of Stress

Dogs can become stressed by a variety of things. Isolation and loneliness are two common causes. Fido is a pack animal by nature, and often feels uneasy when he is left by himself. Your pup can also be unsettled by loud noises; major changes, like going to a new home; or tension with a human or furry roommate. If you know or suspect that your furry pal is feeling stressed, ask your vet for specific advice.

Helping Fido Cope

There are some ways you can help your pooch feel better. First, offer your four-legged buddy plenty of toys to play with, so he doesn’t get bored. Take Fido for regular walks, and play with him every day. This will help him burn off any excess energy that he has. Keep up with your dog’s veterinary care needs. We recommend that all dogs be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and kept current on their vaccinations, exams, and parasite control products. It’s also important to make sure that your canine pal is comfy. Keep up with his grooming needs, and give him a good doggy bed to sleep in. Finally, pay lots of attention to your canine friend, so he feels safe and loved. If your pet’s anxiety doesn’t seem to be improving, ask your vet about behavioral counseling. Please contact us, your Oshawa, ON vet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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