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Holiday Gifts for Cats

December 1 2018
The holiday season is here! As you start pondering gift options for friends and family members, don’t forget about your feline friend! Fluffy definitely deserves a special present. Read on as a local Oshawa, ON vet lists some great gift ideas for kitties.


If Fluffy could make a wish list, we’re pretty sure that beds would be at the top of it. You don’t have to break the bank buying store-bought beds, however. You can upcycle an end table, wicker basket, hatbox, or suitcase into a cute kitty bed. If there are doors, remove them or prop them open. Then, just add soft pillows or blankets for your feline buddy to curl up in. For extra purrs, get your furball a heated bed or a thermal pet blanket.

Catnip Bubbles

Fluffy will never get tired of catnip mice. However, she can also have her catnip in bubble form. (We probably don’t have to tell you this, but kitties playing with bubbles are beyond adorable.)


Who said cats have expensive tastes? Offer your furball some of the empty boxes when everyone has opened their presents. Instant happy cat!

Grass Mats

Get some cat grass—or wheat grass, as it is also called—seeds and a shallow storage tote. Add dirt, and plant the seeds. Before long, your furball will have her own little ‘lawn’ to lounge on.

Modern Toys

Catnip mice, small balls, and wand toys are all fine, but you can get Fluffy something more modern. Look for an automated laser pointer, a robotic mouse, or a remote-controlled snake. You can also get your furball a mechanical ‘swimming ‘ fish.


If you really want to go all-out, download some apps for your feline pal to play on your phone or tablet. Your kitty may really enjoy ‘catching’ digital fish and mice!

Window Seat

Get Fluffy a comfy window seat, so she can sit and watch birds and squirrels. This one is guaranteed to bring on the purr!

Pet Furniture

Cats aren’t shy about ‘borrowing’ our sofas and beds, but they do enjoy having some things of their own. A cat tower is a great gift! Fluffy may also appreciate a pet tent or tipi, or a kitty condo. All of us here at Clarington Animal Hospital, your Oshawa, ON vet clinic, want to wish you a wonderful holiday season. Please contact us anytime.

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