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Perfect Reasons to Play with Your Cat

September 15 2024

Is your kitty very playful? It’s likely that the answer to that question is yes. One reason Fluffy is a fun pet is that she is very mischievous. Playing with your furry friend regularly is one of the best things you can do for her! An Oshawa, ON veterinarian shares some reasons for this in the article below.

Why Is Playing With Your Cat Important?

Playing benefits Fluffy in many ways. For one thing, it helps her stay active. It also offers both mental engagement and enjoyment. Both of these are essential for your kitty’s health and well-being. Cats can become very upset and unhappy if they are bored too often. This may result in behavioral problems. Sometimes, it can lead to physical problems, such as overgrooming or not eating enough.

Another reason playing is important is that it lets your kitty express her inner lioness. Cats naturally have a strong hunting instinct. In the wild, they rely on those skills to survive. Fluffy has a strong instinct to improve her pouncing, scratching, and biting aptitudes. Play allows her to explore those violent urges … without causing the deaths of small animals.

It’s also wonderful for connecting. When you take the time to hold that wand toy or laser pointer for your cat, she will recognize that you are trying to do something special for her. That will surely earn you some purrs! (Then again, Fluffy may decide to practice her martial arts on you. You just never know.) 

Finally, playing can help shy cats become more confident. Mastering that challenging run, jump, roll, pounce, meow, and tail lash combination can greatly help a shy cat gain self-esteem. Imagine this as similar to a shy child scoring a goal.

Can You Make Your Cat Happier By Playing With Them?

Absolutely! All else aside, playing is simply enjoyable for Fluffy. It offers enjoyment and stimulation, which are both essential for our happiness and well-being and our pets’! Those play sessions will help your cat feel loved. At the end of the day, that’s all kitties want (aside from food, lap space, litterboxes, window seats,

Those play sessions might help you, too. Spending time with Fluffy can help reduce your blood pressure and ease stress and anxiety. It also brings us joy, which is great for our mental and emotional well-being.

What Makes Cats So Funny?

Playing with your pet can be just as enjoyable for you as it is for her! It’s difficult—if not impossible—not to laugh at some of Fluffy’s funny antics and silly behaviors. Kittens are always adorable, but they can be really funny when they are playing hard.

This isn’t a coincidence. Fluffy is both a predator and prey by nature. This creates an intriguing combination of boldness and shyness. Your cat might be very brave when it comes to chasing away a moth in the living room, but she may also bolt in fear if you accidentally drop a pot while cooking.

Should I Play With My Cat Often?

We suggest playing with Fluffy each day. This doesn’t need to take a lot of time. A few minutes can be very helpful. A simple way to incorporate this is to keep a few cat toys near your favorite chair or sofa. Simply grab them while you watch TV or unwind.

What Should I Avoid When Playing With My Cat?

Playing with your cat is not complicated, but there are some things to avoid.

  • Avoid playing with unsafe items. That includes small or sharp items, ropy or stringy objects, plastic bags, ties, and similar things. Use cat toys!
  • When you finish using a wand or string toy, make sure to put it away. Your furry friend might get stuck if she tries to use it while you’re away. That might be really risky for her!
  • If you have more than one cat, be careful not to show favoritism. Cats can become quite jealous of each other.
  • When using a laser pointer, avoid shining it directly into your cat’s eyes. That could harm her eyesight!

When Is the Right Time to Play With My Cat?

There are no strict rules for this. Whenever you are home and your cat is awake will be just fine! If your furry friend is very energetic, you might want to play with her before bedtime. The idea here is that Fluffy will tire herself out. If your furry friend is ready to sleep, she will be more likely to cuddle up with you for the night instead of playing with her toys or pouncing on your ankles while you try to rest.

What’s Causing My Cat to Attack Me?

What is one of the many interesting things about cats? They occasionally express their affection by biting or scratching us. They aren’t hesitant to use us as toys to practice their lion skills. This can be charming, but it may also result in some negative behavior.

It’s essential to recognize the difference between playful teasing and genuine anger. If Fluffy is just having fun, she will likely bite gently. She might pause her attack to start licking you or just behave a little playfully. Angry cats can hiss or growl, and they will not hold back. Fluffy can change from one option to another at any time, with little or no notice.

If your cat starts to attack you, it’s best to end playtime. That’s poor pet etiquette and can result in some risky behavior later on! Don’t raise your voice at her; that might only make her afraid of you. Ask your lively pet to ‘Play nice.’ You might also want to say ‘Put your claws away’ or ‘Don’t bite.’ The actual words aren’t as important as being consistent.  If that doesn’t work, then step away and give her some space for a while. This should convey the message pretty clearly. It may take a little while for Fluffy to get the hint, but sooner or later, she’ll figure it out. Be consistent, though. 

If your cat keeps misbehaving or shows signs of aggression, consult your Oshawa, ON vet for guidance.

If I Play With My Cat, When Should I Stop?

It’s really your choice … or, more likely, up to your cat. When Fluffy feels she’s had enough, she simply stops playing and walks away. That is one of the many differences between cats and dogs. Fido will work hard to make his owners happy. Fluffy will quit the moment she starts to feel a little tired.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Enjoy?

That differs from cat to cat. Some enjoy chasing the elusive red dot from a laser pointer. Some prefer batting small balls around the kitchen. And other kitties are perfectly happy just playing with a bottle cap, a crumpled-up piece of paper, or an ice cube. Experiment with various options and find out what your cute pet enjoys. 

Just keep in mind that kitties all have their own taste. If you have more than one cat, provide a variety of options: your adorable pets might have different preferences. Ask your Oshawa, ON vet for specific recommendations. 

Make An Appointment At Our Oshawa, ON Animal Hospital 

Do you have any questions or worries about your cat’s health or care? Get in touch with us today at your Oshawa, ON animal clinic. We are here to assist you!

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