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Bunny Nutrition 101

October 1 2017
Have you recently adopted a bunny? Congratulations! Your cute pet is sure to keep you smiling with her adorable mannerisms and playful antics. One of the most important parts of any good bunny care regimen is making sure that your little buddy is getting proper nutrition. Read on as a local Bowmanville, ON vet discusses Floppy’s menu.


Fresh grass hay is important to both your pet’s teeth and her digestion, and should make up the bulk of Floppy’s diet. In fact, your bunny should eat a pile of hay that is about the same size as her body every day. Timothy hay is a great option, but you can also give your furry pal orchard grass, oat hay, or brome. Just be sure not to give your pet alfalfa unless your vet specifically recommends it.


Floppy will need to have some fresh, suitable produce every day. Some suitable veggies are Romaine lettuce, sweet bell peppers, cucumber, watercress, fennel, and spring greens. Swiss chard, kale, wheatgrass, arugula, and Bok choy are safe as well.


Many herbs are safe for Floppy. Herbs can also make great snacks! Cilantro, parsley, basil, and rosemary are all suitable for your fuzzy buddy. Sage, dill, mint, and peppermint are also fine.

Commercial Food

Your furry friend can have small amounts of pellets for breakfast and dinner to round out her nutritional needs. Ask your vet for advice on serving sizes and feeding times.


Fruit is high in sugar, so you don’t want to give Floppy too much of it. However, fresh fruit can make a great snack for rabbits. Bunnies can have blueberries, apples (flesh only), bananas, or strawberries for treats. Your furry buddy can also enjoy kiwis, melons, peaches, pears, and apricots.

Dangerous Foods

Never give your adorable pet a new food without first doing some research to be sure it is safe. Some foods to avoid are chocolate, yogurt drops, caffeine, bread, pasta, cereal, and tomato or potato leaves. Corn, cookies, avocados, onions, garlic, and crackers are also on the no-no list. There are also certain foods, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, which should only be given occasionally and in small amounts. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods. Do you have any questions about your bunny’s diet, health, or care? We can help! Contact us, your Bowmanville, ON pet hospital, today!

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