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Mud Season With Fido

March 15 2021
Spring is just about upon us. This time of year can be lots of fun for Man’s Best Friend. Our canine pals love to run and play outside after spending a chunk of winter curled up in their beds. Of course, spring does have some drawbacks … such as mud. A Bowmanville, ON vet offers some advice on getting through the next few weeks below.


Some pups are furry little divas, who hate getting their paws wet and will carefully go around puddles. Others just want to play in them. If you have a fenced yard and a dog that likes to splash around in them, you may soon find yourself facing the worst-case scenario: a happy pooch coated in mud. Be prepared to hose Fido off if this happens. However, an ounce of prevention is definitely in order here. When the yard is muddy, you may want to just walk your four-legged buddy instead of just letting him out.

Paw Prints

Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts … and on our floors. One way to eliminate this issue is to keep thick mats down both inside and outside the door Fido goes in and out from. Bath mats work very well, as they’re designed to hold water. Another option is to keep rags or pet wipes at the door, and wipe your pup’s feet down before bringing him in. Remember to give your pooch a treat after! You may even be able to teach your furry buddy to wipe his paws himself. 


A steam mop or spray mop will make quick work of muddy pawprints. You may also find a steam cleaner is a worthy investment.


We recommend putting a blanket down in your car before taking Fido anywhere with you in spring, even if you crate him for travel. It’s also not a bad idea to use protective coverings on your sofa and also on your pup’s bed.


Mud season is also shedding season. If Fido blows his coat out at this time of year, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by staying on top of it with daily brushings. When it’s warm enough, take your furry friend outside for his beauty sessions, so the extra fur just blows away. Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Bowmanville, ON veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!

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