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Cold Weather Care For Pocket Pets

November 15 2021
Does it feel like summer was over in a flash? Love it or hate it, winter is just around the corner. You may not think that smaller pets would notice the weather changes, but even little animals do need a little extra attention when it’s cold out. Read on as an Oshawa, ON vet offers some tips on caring for pocket pets in the cold.


Pocket pets can get cold, too. Make sure your little buddy’s habitat is in a comfortable temperature zone. This is very important! Some little animals, such as hamsters, will try to hibernate if they get too cold. Since pet hamsters don’t really know how to hibernate properly, this is extremely dangerous for them.

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Take care if you have to transport your pet anywhere. Have the car warmed up before you bring your tiny furball out. You’ll also need a travel carrier. For many smaller animals, a plastic storage bin with airholes and bedding will work just fine. You can add some extra heat by putting hot water bottles or microwaved rice socks outside your pet’s carrier.


Some pets will really enjoy having a buddy to curl up with on chilly nights. However, this is definitely not a universal recommendation. Some smaller animals, such as Syrian hamsters, get very aggressive and territorial, and should always be housed alone. You’ll also need to consider sex. If you house a male and female gerbil together, you’re probably going to end up with lot of baby gerbils!


Hydration can be an issue when it gets chilly. Make sure that your pet always has plenty of fresh water!


When it starts getting chilly, many of us put more blankets on our beds. Your pint-sized pal will also appreciate some extra bedding to snuggle up in.


Who says tiny pets can’t get in on some holiday spirit? There are many safe items you can put into your pet’s cage to add a little seasonal flair. Put a Santa-themed salt and pepper set (minus the spices and plastic seals) in your gerbil’s tank, or give your bunny a cardboard igloo as Christmas approaches. You can also hang lights or garlands outside your pet’s cage, as long as they can’t reach it. As your Oshawa, ON animal clinic, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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