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Animal Hospital

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2021 Holiday Hours

December 15 2021

Our Holiday Hours are as follows:

  • Friday December 24th – 8:00am to 1:00pm
  • Saturday December 25th – Closed Saturday
  • Sunday December 26th – Closed
  • Monday December 27th – Closed
  • Friday December 31st – Closed
  • January 1st – Closed
  • Sunday January 2nd – Closed
  • Monday January 3rd – 8:00am to 7:00pm
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your furry family! Your Friends at Clarington Animal Hospital
Cat with white fur being given a treat

Feeding Fluffy

Does your kitty have some cute ways of letting you know she wants dinner right

Cats In The Ancient World

Cats have been our friends and companions for thousands of years. Some research indicates that

The Royal Family’s Dogs

Well, the paparazzi are going to be busy this weekend, as King Charle III’s coronation
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