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Kitten Care Tips

August 15 2016
Are you adopting a kitten? Congratulations! Your tiny ball of fur is bound to bring lots of smiles to your face in the coming months. There are few things more adorable than baby cats! There are also few things more mischievous than baby cats. Below, a Bowmanville, ON vet lists some great kitten care tips.


Little Fluffy is going to want to explore—and conquer—every inch of her new home. That adventurous streak can be very dangerous, however. You’ll need to do some kittenproofing to keep your furry little explorer safe. Remove or secure toxic plants; wires, strings, and ropes; plastic bags and wrappers; medicine; chemicals; cords and wires; and anything small or sharp. We also recommend keeping major appliances closed.


Start with a smaller litterbox. Avoid clay and clumping litters for now, as they are dangerous for kittens.


Proper nutrition is always important, but it’s particularly crucial at this critical life stage. Get little Fluffy started out on the right paw in life by feeding her quality kitten-formula food. Ask your vet for nutritional recommendations.

Veterinary Care

Little Fluffy will need her initial exams and vaccinations, parasite control, microchipping, and spay/neuter surgery. In between appointments, keep a close eye on your baby cat. If you notice any potential signs of illness, such as hiding, fever, or lethargy, contact your vet right away.


Teach your tiny furball good manners by getting her a good scratching post, and bribing her with treats, praise, and toys for using it. If your frisky pet tries to pounce on your hands or feet, tell her ‘No’ in a firm tone of voice, and then ignore her until she is ready to play nice.

Kitten Comforts

Offer your kitten lots of toys to play with, and get her some pieces of cat furniture, like a kitty tower or pet tent. We also recommend playing with little Fluffy every day. This will be fun for both of you!

Purrs and Cuddles

Kittens often love to be snuggled: it makes them feel safe, loved, and secure. Indulge your pet when she wants to sleep on your lap or cuddle with you. You’ll be rewarded with kitten purrs and your cat’s unconditional love. Both of these are precious gifts in our book! Does your kitten need veterinary care? We can help! Contact us, your local Bowmanville, ON animal hospital, today!

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