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Building a Kitty Enclosure

May 1 2021
Do you have a yard? If so, you may want to consider making your feline friend a kitty enclosure. This can be a great way for Fluffy to experience a little taste of nature, while staying safe from dangers such as cars, weather, and predators. Before you start work, you’ll need to figure out the best spot for Fluffy’s enclosure. There are quite a few things to consider here. A Bowmanville, ON vet lists a few of them below.


You may find the easiest thing is to install the enclosure so that Fluffy can use a window for access. You can also make the access point be a pet door in a door or a wall. (We don’t recommend using the wall route unless you own the home.) Ideally, you want this set up so that you can easily control your kitty’s access. For instance, if you’re at home on a sunny day, let your furball go in and out of her spot freely. At night, or in winter, close off her access and keep her in.


Another thing you’ll want to sort out is how big Fluffy’s enclosure should be. There’s no right or wrong option. Fluffy may be perfectly content with an enclosed kitty balcony. Or, you can offer her a whole room.


Your catio will need some sort of support. If you’re building it outdoors, you may need to level the area out a bit. If the catio is going to be above-ground, you’ll need braces or posts to support it.


Kitties love sunbathing, so Fluffy will definitely enjoy having access to a sunny spot. However, the catio should also offer her some shade. A bench or cat tower can work for this.


To get the most purrs for your buck, construct the kitty enclosure so that it offers stimulation and entertainment. Putting a birdfeeder up nearby may help. Just make sure that the material will keep the birds out. Otherwise, your feathered neighbors may not fare very well!


You’ll also need to choose a material. Mesh fencing, sometimes called dog fencing, is one good option. Look for something made from galvanized or vinyl-coated wire. You may also want to put a roof on the catio. Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Bowmanville, ON veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!

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